Job Interview: Tell Me About Yourself

man on blue polo offering a handshake

Your clothes are perfect for the occasion. Good thing mom brought you that suave suit. You woke up early and prepared for everything. You made sure nothing could ever go wrong. This is your moment, do not mess this up!

Then you walk in the establishment and your turn was called. You were asked to sit on the chair. Seeing all the panels for your big interview made you break a sweat. But you prepared this moment your whole life, right? Nothing could and should ever go wrong.

One of the panels then broke the silence. “So tell us about yourself.”

How should you answer this job interview question? Okay… so what is the interviewer looking for? Should you say your philosophy in life? How about your basic information? This question is too broad!

Believe it or not, this is one of the most common questions in the job interview. And because we provide Staffing services in Texas, we know exactly what most companies are looking for in an applicant. So here are ways on how to prepare for this question:

  • Research about the company
    It pays to know what your future company’s vision is, even if you are not yet employed. In that way, you can have an idea what they want. Use this knowledge to your advantage. Once you do, you can mold your answer to the way your interviewee wants to hear.
    If the company is going for Healthcare Staffing, share good things about yourself that can be an asset to the company. Tell them what skills you have that can be of good use to a healthcare institution.
  • Say only the essential things
    “Tell us about yourself” can be answered in a lot of ways. You can answer it in all honesty and ruin the interview by telling them your weaknesses. You can also tell them about the basic facts about yourself like the ones on your bio. But really, what they want to know is your work experience.
    Let us go back to the information you had researched. If the company’s goal is to serve patients with compassion and respect, share the times when you showed respect in your workplace. But do not overdo this as if to sound arrogant. Share the essential information with a passion.
  • Review the job description
    Show the panel how ready you are to work under the company by knowing and reviewing the job description of the position you are applying. This will be your bonus points and it will surely guarantee you the job.

There are a lot of unexpected things you can learn and experience during a job interview. The important thing is that you are ready.

HRT Staffing Services is a Staffing Service Firm located in Texas. We work in order to help applicants like you to land a job that is suitable for your qualifications. Apply now by visiting

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