Top Secrets Recent Graduates Should Know About Employers


For students who have recently graduated from university, the first thing they will be concerned about is finding a job. As such, it is only natural that they will want to know what potential recruiters from staffing services in Texas look for in an applicant applying for a vacancy. For you to have a higher chance of landing the job, here are top secrets you should know about employers.

  1. Your GPA is important but is not a guarantee you can land the job.Your GPA is your pride. The higher it is, the more it shows your excellence. While your GPA may add some brownie points to your application, what it does is just land you the interview. Keep in mind that having a higher GPA is not enough to land you the job. Most employers will value your performance during the interview over your high score.
  2. Lower GPA will make your job hunt even more difficult.Having a higher GPA may not surely bag you the position but at least it won’t make your job hunt difficult. For those students with lower GPA, job hunting is more unfavorable for them nowadays, all thanks to the fact that technology plays a hand in the recruitment process. With current technology, it is possible to reject graduates with GPAs that don’t reach the set threshold right after they send in their resume.
  3. If your GPA is closer to the threshold, you might make the cut.Companies aren’t rigid when it comes to the threshold though. If your GPA is quite close to their set threshold, they are willing to be flexible. They can bend their rules if you have something else to offer. For example, most healthcare staffing recruiters will highly likely grant you an interview if your resume reflects numerous relevant extracurricular activities.
  4. Connections can still get you somewhere.If you have personal connections with someone from the company you are applying to, you can actually use that to get yourself an interview. Most firms will place value on applicants with personal interactions with their current employees. Of course, whether you get the job or not depends on your credentials as well as your interview.
  5. Leadership and work experience matter. A lot!Most companies put high value on work experience. Even more so when that work experience reflects a leadership position. Your work experience shows your competency. Moreover, when they see your work experience, they will have an idea on what skill sets you possess. That knowledge will let them know whether or not you fit the position you are applying for.

Graduates will find it less taxing when they apply for a job through staffing service firm. HRT Staffing Services is one of the leading staffing agencies in the clerical, manufacturing, accounting, healthcare, and engineering fields. Please keep in touch at 972-400-4400 so we can assist you with your job hunt.

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